Personal data privacy policy

Respect of your rights to personal data privacy.

This website, hosted by Squarespace respects your right to privacy and in particular General Data Regulation Protection (GDPR) legislation. Data is collected in a number of ways for :

Data you share if you choose to subscribe to my news updates:

  • Your email address.

Your email address is stocked on secure Squarespace and Google WorkSpace servers administered by Simon.Ensor.Art.

You can choose to stop receiving news update emails at any time by clicking on the link on the email.

Data you share when you send a message via the contact form:

  • Your name

  • Your email address

  • Your message

Your name, email address, and message content is stocked in a secure GDPR compliant Google Workspace administered by Simon.Ensor.Art.

Data you share if you purchase an artwork:

  • Your name

  • Your email address

  • Your delivery/billing address

  • Your choice of artwork

Your name, email address, delivery and billing address and your choice of artwork are stocked on secure GDPR compliant Squarespace and Google Work Space servers administered by Simon.Ensor.Art.

This information is used to keep you updated with emails concerning your purchase and to complete delivery information for the transporter - La Poste (or the transporter of your choice).

It is also used for business purposes (invoicing, accounts, marketing etc).

Data is also collected automatically by Squarespace for the administration of this site:

  • IP address(es)

  • Device and browser type

  • Pages visited

  • Duration of visit

Data is collected automatically by Squarespace using cookies and other technologies. This data is used to optimize the user experience on the website.

You have the choice to accept or decline the collection of cookies when you visit the website.

In line with the GDPR, you have the right to view, correct or request the deletion of any your personal data that you have shared when that request does not prevent legitimate business operations (management of invoices, accounts etc.)

Please don’t hesitate to contact me.