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Back to life drawing 2024

5 paintings from the Caillou collection recognised by the jury of ORACLE 2023
"Stoned, he was stoned. " 2023
"Vue du Puy de la Vache en automne" 2021
"North Yorkshire Moors Railway" 2019
"Wall box Corte" 2021
"Reaching down" 2022
"Moonfields" 2019
"Slave to the rhythm" 2022
simon ensor
exploring the ephemeral nature of life via figuration & abstraction, flow & scribble, intention & serendipity
I have lived in the Auvergne region in central France for over 30 years and love walking in the local countryside, going back to Britain and traveling further afield.
I am drawn to gaze at distant horizons and to investigate universes glimpsed through close focus.
At times, images emerge organically with no apparent source.
Some motifs are recurrent: nature, landscape, seascapes, mountains, rocks, trees, paths…people.
I am currently working mainly in watercolours, ink, graphite, charcoal and pastels, but I also use digital media.
The objective of my artwork is to be able to perceive what lies beyond the self, the subject, the page.
hello, I’m simon.
some way back…
“I was 19, I was happy, wasn’t sure where I was going. Not much has changed in 30 years.” touches of sense... 2010
“Now I find myself here, writing as a 60 year old Anglo/French artist driven by a single question:
What happens when I really put my mind to developing a body of visual artwork?”
“This website whose working title was “some way back…” is a means to share responses to that question in emerging reflections and art collections.”
My learning path has taken many twists and turns thanks to connections that I have made on line and off line. I have been fortunate to meet, establish dialogues, and collaborate with many fellow travellers both locally and from around the world.
A few words, or an image shared have the possibility to change lives.
I would be delighted to take the time meet up and to exchange notes with you.
Thanks for your visit here. Please don’t hesitate to send me a message, leave a comment on reflections or come up and speak with me offline. You can also subscribe below by email to receive regular news or follow me on the social networks.